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-=BB=-birthday cup, sign up soon!

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-=BB=-birthday cup, sign up soon! Empty -=BB=-birthday cup, sign up soon!

Post  Bart2022 Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:07 pm

Hello Smokin' Players.

Time is going on, so everybody is going to become older. Our -=BB=-Clan also, we are 1 year old soon. For that we decided to organise a small cup in gametype BR.
More information about our cup you can get here:
We hope that we can play with all other active guys Smile
The rules, how to register your team etc you all find on our homepage. If there are some other question, which you can't find on our homepage you can contact me or anyone of my team here with
over PM.
Or easier send an e-mail to my adress:

Hope that we can play a fair & funny tournament!
We work hard on the tournament, so i hope that there are many teams which will play.

-=BB=- team.

Posts : 22
Join date : 2010-12-18
Age : 29

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